
Graphic by Nicole Whitted for Jr Hi the Magazine

Graphic by Nicole Whitted for Jr Hi the Magazine

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The coming years represent a revolutionary period for all of humanity, as we move into the Age of Aquarius. Long-standing institutions will fall away before our eyes, as we discover how current power structures do more harm than good. 

We are realizing, as a planet, that others’ pain is our pain, and that no one is free when others are oppressed.

Intense protest is sure to continue throughout 2021. Abusive structures — police organizations, government bureaus, and multinational corporations — will be subject to hacking. Encrypted texting apps, like Viber and Signal, will find widespread adoption.  

And, as governments begin to ramp up their space exploration, and tell the truth about What’s Really Out There, our planet will lose a bit of its ego. New discoveries make us feel small in the universe, but not erased. We feel that being here, at this time, on this planet, is part of a greater calling.

All signs will feel the shift, as Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter — transformative planets that represent powerful change ­— meet in Aquarius to usher in the new era.


Aries | You have spent time questioning the religious beliefs, social attitudes, and conventional philosophies you learned as a child. You may leave behind an old belief system that keeps you from your calling: to spread truth. You meet strange, exciting individuals, online and in chance encounters. Keep their contacts: they will help develop your voice. It’s time to show how much you’ve learned in the past few years. Start a podcast. Print a zine. Create a skillsharing network in your community. Rely on your friends.

Taurus | Other people’s needs have dictated your life for a long time. You have an urge to stand alone, charting your own course in the world. You are called to treat yourself with the same empathy that you provide others. Love yourself first, and watch the doors to a new reality fly open. Walk through. As you get back in touch with your deepest values, you may change jobs to better align your whole being. Any changes you make now will be lasting.

Gemini | Have you been avoiding responsibilities? Now it is easier than ever to stare down the obstacles that once seemed daunting. You shine with a new confidence, as you allow new interests, philosophies, and skills into your life. You will feel more visible, because you are. Take your space. If you’re prone to codependence, you realize it, and you can now work to maintain healthy boundaries. You find the source of your internal chatter; you learn to ground and control it. This influence also signals a period of experimentation in self-image. You might be drawn to tattoos, cosmetic surgery, or makeup as a means of trying out a new ‘you.’

Cancer | You are taking some much-needed ‘me’ time, perhaps in a way that makes others nervous or uncomfortable. Don’t feel guilty: serve yourself now, so you can serve others in the future. You are learning to coexist with your constant sea of emotions, and your teachers are everywhere. Daily routines and habits may be neglected as you chase your curiosities. Experiment with occult or taboo subjects. Watch UFO docs. Take online classes on secret societies, cults, cryptography, or crime investigation. Feel free to follow your insanity for a while. Your spirit needs unedited time to itself. If it harms none, there are no rules for where your mind can go.

Leo | The year ahead of you represents a deep, sometimes trying, period of transformation. By December 2021, you are living a new life. You make new friends that are seen by others as strange, weird, or eccentric, but your charm puts ease to the atmosphere. You are becoming more serious, as you realize the ways in which “fun” distractions are roadblocks to enlightenment. In what ways do you overindulge in sex, drinking, drugs, gambling? Confront your innate desire to be admired and adored for your appearance and social flair. Channel that energy into warmth. Give the benefit of the doubt. Receive admiration as a gift.

Virgo | How are you doing? Ask yourself honestly, and know that the honest response is okay. If your partner or close friends have been busy and preoccupied, they now make you feel more appreciated than ever. Let healing flow in. Old friends might reappear to start your relationships new. At the same time, you are called to teach or share your skills in a very public way. Beware imposter syndrome. Lean on your renewed relationships for strength. Your career may require a sacrifice at home: moving overseas, or further from family than ever. Remember that as long as you have a signal, you’re not alone.

Libra | You are learning to be kind to your whole self: body, mind and soul. You find that treating yourself with patience is the best way to achieve balance in your sleep patterns and stress levels. You discover parts of your logic that are not at all logical, but misplaced emotions. You can release them now. In order to grow, you may surprise close family and friends by leaving certainty and safety behind. You may travel often, or far. This is a year of exploration: throw yourself into new situations, just to see where they end up. Let good things surprise you. There’s still magic in the world. 

Scorpio | An artistic project that requires solitude might take your focus for most of the year. Be wary of withdrawing from the chaos in favor of your darker side: representing lust, drugs, a secret affair. You are comfortable with your taboo streak, but others are not always comfortable with theirs. Be mindful. As a deeply internal person, you are not used to giving all of yourself to others: but you are learning to do so now. In doing so, you are losing your constant need to be “right,” in favor of your calling: to help others see the invisible realms that you see. You hear your ancestors in dreams. Listen.

Sagittarius | Other people are your focus: a monumental time for you, an individualist. You form a fated connection with an unconventional person: someone others don’t understand. They may speak another language, requiring you to brush up with online courses. You are more open to worldviews that seemed bizarre to you in the past, and you can understand others better this way. You may work on a creative project with friends from many different areas of your life, helping those in your circle expand their connections and create new bonds. Speaking of bonding: welcome the heightened sexual energy at this time. You might experiment with BDSM, kink, or an open relationship. It’s the new age, baby, freak out!

Capricorn | You have been applying yourself to work, hyper-focused on intricate details, office politics, and getting shit done. You need a break, and you may get one: a sudden change in work location, a move to remote work, or a new job opportunity. You will realize, through this period, that working is not living, just a part of it. You may feel less clear-headed than usual. Be gentle with yourself. Heal trauma by creating a routine: Do the dishes. Take the trash out. Be generous with your time and money. Use this grounding period to buck your inner skeptic and get curious about yoga, acupuncture, reiki or alternative means of self-care.

Aquarius | Your creativity multiplies through others. Share your enthusiasm for the creative, inspiring sides of life, but be careful not to interrupt. New or foreign friends help you discover unconventional ways of having fun. A person with talents in music, writing, film, or design might enter your life now, and teach you a new art. As you evolve creatively, you could leave a crucial social group or organization, or make a financial sacrifice in favor of a dream. You are meant to shine this year; you will do so by being curious. Stay off your phone and take more walks. Practice patience and gratitude with even the most frustrating of people. If others doubt your path, that’s on them. It’s about time you got to play!

Pisces | In what ways do you practice negative self-talk? What outdated childhood ideas are getting in your way? Jupiter in your 12th house of mental health helps you overcome old thought patterns that distort how you see yourself. We all have individual beauty: it’s time you see that. This year you cultivate an inner strength that will be necessary in the years to come. Your focus turns to the practical, slower side of life: future planning, your home, your family. Some Pisces folks may move to remote, rural areas, clearing their heads and reexamining priorities. Avoid overindulging in comforts to drown out your thoughts; it’s an impossible task. Log on and reach out. 

PS: Remember to read for your sun and rising sign horoscope. Don’t know your rising sign? Visit any gentrified coffee shop and scream, “CAN ANYONE TELL ME MY RISING SIGN?”






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