Your Spring Horoscope


Pisces | Pisces, the universal lover. The last water sign, you represent the ocean — the source of all life on Earth. Your endless depths stretch from continent to continent and define the shores on which we stand. How’s that for a belated birthday message!? That said, this month you are asked to relax a little — to take a break from holding so much space for others. It is one of your best qualities — feeling what others feel, making space for their suffering. But what of yours? Themes of ancestry, generational trauma, and your own brain chemistry feature heavily in your chart this month.

No one is fully healed or fully enlightened. Not even the greatest healers are. It is important to recognize this, so you can let any self-conscious worry go. Release whatever “flaws” you may think you have, so they no longer define you. At the end of this month, the Aries new moon in your 2nd house helps you manifest ways to feel more at home in your body. It will hit you like a shot of adrenaline — the insight that your body is your own unique spaceship. It needs tuning and maintenance to safely sail the astral planes. This is not about how your body looks, and especially not how it looks to others. This is about how it feels to be inside your suit of skin. It is a grounding, beneficial energy. The oceans need gravity and rock and earth to hold them in place, no matter how powerful they are. 

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| You have been pushing too hard. The themes of this month — burnout, disappointment — are nothing to be afraid of. You are becoming more equipped to face those inner fears which are easily tamped down in favor of staying “busy.” It’s a good month to ask — do you make unrealistic demands of yourself, ones you’d never demand from a close friend?

The Aries new moon later this month offers a favorable time to hit reset. So, don’t think you have to solve all your problems now — despite your ruler, Mars, the action planet, nagging you to get it all done. You can do it all, but please be tender with yourself. Rest is necessary. It should be the first thing on your to do list. Avoid self-blame or feelings of inadequacy if you can’t make the hang out, need to end a conversation early, or feel like Instacarting everything in lieu of leaving the house. 

You are so fiery and action-oriented that you may not believe it, but you don’t need outside stimulation to feel fulfilled. The best insights this month will come from within. You may feel more in tune with the unseen energies around you, even, and find you are becoming better equipped to perceive that which is imperceptible. Get a little weird. Open your mind to the perks of  hermitage. Talk and sing to yourself. Don’t worry if the neighbors can hear. 

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Taurus | You are reimagining your dreams. Maybe you realize you’re holding onto aspirations that no longer serve you or, maybe you’re waking up to realize you can get what you want. You’re also facing the hard work it will take to achieve it. Issues with authority, growth, restriction, or lack of recognition reach a boiling point. Like most signs, this month represents a period of planning. By the April 6 full moon in Libra, you will have an idea of how to go after your goals. That starts in small ways.  Ask yourself: which of your day-to-day rituals inspire you? Which are holding you back, eating away at your time and well-being? Taurus is a sign that can become so glued to its routines and preconceptions. And yet, that such comforts become blinders. 

You may experience wild or crazy or once-in-a-blue-moon events that cause you to re-examine who you think you are — not necessarily in a bad way. But, you may very well be a completely different person by the end of the decade. Do what you can now to cherish yourself, inside and out, and — to quote an age old mystic — you’re gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it. 

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Gemini | There has been much on your mind. Much heaviness. You may have been concerned with justice, perceived unfairness, or unhappy power balances in your world. These outside elements may only intensify in the coming years. But the April 6 new moon will show you that you can cultivate justice in little ways too. See someone a little too drunk at the club? Help them get to a rideshare safely. Hear a friend say something shitty? You have the power of Jupiter in your Aries third house to stand up for what’s right, without pissing everyone off to the point you feel alienated. 

What else is on the docket? Two key words: vitality and curiosity. I see that you are leaving a phase of your life for another, one that builds on the positives of the past, yet helps you break free of toxic beliefs or old philosophies that you found to have expired. You may have taken a recent interest in Plutonian topics, which ran from esoteric mysteries to applied law. Now is the best time to get a little kooky, if it serves you. You may be undergoing some intense psychology under the current planets. With Uranus and the North Node in your Taurus 12th house, you may soon realize it’s time to go to therapy, start meditating regularly, or find ways to improve your self-talk. A negative of this aspect would be to take drugs as a way to escape the last few years’ taxing mental climate. If you choose to disconnect in that way, I’ll leave you with an old Irish shanty:

Pills and powders spoil the brain, but psilocybin’s right as rain!

Lines and capsules, fun ends quick. 

But LSD’s a life-long kick!

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Cancer | You’re fired! In a way. In the last few years, you may have been the self-appointed Chief Sanity Officer for your pandemic-worn friends and network. Party host, activities coordinator, vibe concierge, snack somme, finesser of fun — you’ve worn all the hats. Now, it’s time to let the lewk go and focus on yourself. There’s always time for sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Take a breather on the fast life. 

Now, interrogate your relationship to the above. Is it all light and love, or another of your Cancerian coping strategies? Turn your innate bullshit-o-meter on yourself for a change, lovingly. Do a spring cleaning on your psyche. Pick up a book from the esoterica section. Stop ghosting your therapist. Take a bath. Renew your commitment to you. We are in for astrological turbulence in the coming years, so take this moment to get your inner life together and chase the passions you’ve put off. How do you want to be remembered after you’re gone? Put all your energies there, and the Aries new moon at the end of the month will allow you to make it real. And who knows what new friends you’ll meet, after renewing your friendship with yourself?

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Leo | Mercury and Saturn spent the late winter shacked up in your Aquarius 7th house, bringing preoccupations and restrictions in your closest relationships. Soon after they skip town, Pluto takes over the lease and finishes the renovation. Which visions of yourself are yours, and which are borrowed from those around you?

Changes in your relationships are a product of the last few years. The minor conflicts, the little tiffs and miscommunications, run-ins with authority figures — they come to a head with Pluto in the building. Pluto’s changes can be traumatic, so it’s up to you to frame them the right way, lest you burn out on humanity altogether. Remember, wherever Pluto destroys is where he leaves his gifts. Nobody likes the sound of jackhammers on their street, but ain’t it nice when the dust settles and the sidewalk smooths out? If you can’t get what you want from your nearest and dearest, pour your energy toward society as a whole. You can have a starring role in the astrological restructuring of the next decade, if only you pick up the sledgehammer. 

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Virgo | Astrologers tend to paint you as a practician of predictability, and it’s a bit unfair — especially when you look at your current stars. Uranus and the north node have parked in your Taurus 9th house, signaling a renaissance in your personal philosophies. Friends, who once could track your habits by clockwork, will now find their stopwatches on the fritz. They’ll think you’ve gone missing or maybe even a little mad — but really, you’re entering a transformative period in which your day to day habits or lifestyle may change so completely that they’re unrecognizable. Know that this is for the good. While others may not be able to see it initially, you are doing the work to become who you want to be. You may find yourself repeating: “Yes, but that was the old me.” 

A full moon in Virgo sets the tone for these changes right at the top of the month. If you’ve felt that any significant self-improvements were thwarted by external influences, this month is the best time to start leaving those influences in the rearview. Then, you can start surprising everyone. Ain’t it fun to get a chance to keep others on their toes, for a change?

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Libra | I’ll say it bluntly: do not think too much about the fun you’re not having. Instead, tap into your Libra magic to make fun for others. Distract the crowd, then slip through the trap door. You are due for a break. There are serious energies afoot, with last month’s Pisces new moon reaching out to Uranus in your Taurus 8th house. The  materials and worldviews you’ve inherited from family may now be parsed through, as you decide what to keep and what to take to Goodwill. Any issues you’ve dealt with concerning your own mortality may be easier to treat. Electrical or computerized procedures may be on the docket. If there’s any problem hanging over your head, you’ll find unique ways to solve them. One way this manifests could be through the merging of Eastern and Western philosophies. Tl;dr— find your zen, but take your SSRI. Par example. 

Though you may not be physically busy now, your mind is more open than it’s ever been, with Mars direct in your Gemini 9th house. You are content to travel the highways of your intellect. Speeches, texts, lectures — you receive new insights here. Words hit different. And you may even acquire a new teacher, who reaches you on a level you never knew existed within you. So, be a blank journal for the next few months. You’ll be surprised when the pages start to write themselves. 

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Scorpio | Next month, your ruler Pluto moves to Aquarius. It will retrograde into Capricorn a handful of  times before settling with the water-bearer later this decade, announcing the new era like an ancient church bell striking out the hour. Each of its tolls will deal with the themes of your 4th house. You are a deeply independent sign who fights to carve out its identity, separate from any possible preconceptions. and yet obligations to your family and parents may find ways to shake the core vision of yourself which you’ve fought to maintain.

Total independence may not be feasible for a while, or maybe you’ve come to love the place you call home, wherever you are — but rare opportunities or unseen forces cause your home to change. Maybe a job offer pulls you up by the roots. Or, you peel back the floorboards to find a low-budget remake of Arachnophobia starting up in your foundation. Or — best case scenario — your landlord croaks. Not to worry! As the fixed water sign, you do what no other sign does better.  Pour yourself into whatever space you’re in. Vibe with care.

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| Concerns with local travel, siblings and neighbors, and spoken communication may factor this month. Your speech is more serious now, and your task is to align your actions with your words. You could be focused on lofty Sagittarian ideals of “living your truth” to such an extent that you have no concern for anyone else. If challenged, your usually silver tongue may turn to acid. Be careful not to wield your words in the wrong way.

A deeply philosophical sign, your advice is not to focus so intently on the heavens above, that you become convinced of your superiority. *Hits blunt* If you see the light, but turn your head to tell others behind you how to see the light, you’re no longer seeing the light. Ya dig?

The takeaway: this month urges you not to wait for the right setting, the right party, the right vacation, the right surroundings, the right people, in order to express your intense energies. With the North Node in your sixth house, you are urged to be unapologetically you — even in the boring or fastidious stuff. You are YOU at the after-hours rave, just as you are YOU when brushing your teeth. Sound a bit out there? Of all the signs, you can handle the headiest horoscope of them all. If you still need clarity, the full moons of early March and April will bring all that on a silver platter. Be patient. Don’t rush reality. Ride it like a wave.

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Capricorn | This month, you are asked to set intentions in terms of how you relate to others. You don’t pull punches, Capricorn, and that’s why you command respect — even when you’re not asking for it openly. But, last month’s new moon in your Pisces third house, now hosting Saturn and the Sun, asked you to soften your words. To change your tone. To ask for empathy first and respect after. 

It may be difficult — in fact, those you communicate with might expect you to be your usual, go-getting, no bullshit self. They may mishear you, or autocorrect the rest of your sentences, out of genuine surprise at your newly relaxed vibe. Your task? Not to care. Restate yourself if you have to, but don’t expand your personal space for others’ misconceptions. Move on, when staying put would do more damage. As Pluto hones in on your Aquarius 2nd house, you are approaching a transformative period. You are revisiting — on a deep and wide-ranging scale — what you value, what you consume, how you make a living, and how you relate to your body. That’s A LOT. 

So, you don’t need to worry about what others think of you at this same time — that would likely drive you insane. If you surprise people or confuse them, it’s none of your business. You’re a goat on your way up the mountain. Keep your eyes forward and go one foothold at a time. After some gut-checking, and maybe some reconfiguration, you will know what is required (and what must be sacrificed) in order to summit life’s peaks. 

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Aquarius | In the past decade, you have done much self-reflection. This year, I see you finding — or greater identifying — with your higher calling. This arms you with a powerful set of tools to face the changes and upheavals slated for the next decade, with Pluto entering your Aquarius 1st house. 

Take the month to zoom out. Enter the role of the observer and celebrate how far you’ve come. Though you are a gregarious sign, concerned always with the greater good, you are also prone to depressive slumps when your Aquarian ideals of “the collective” are swatted away in favor of other individuals’ gains. If you celebrate your wins now, you will maintain the self-confidence that is required of any Aquarius to do good in the world. At the end of the month, a new moon in your Aries third house will ask you to envision how you want to achieve your goals. But not yet. Not now. These next weeks are your getting-ready montage, so cue the synths, pump the iron, stretch the joints. You will be able to regain focus on your higher goals by summertime. 

There is another element at play, which will require your focus first. Fourth house issues with family, your childhood or current home, and “women” or “mothers” must first get your attention (Aside: astrology, like many things in our modern world, can be narrowly gendered).  I see that any progress you are making on yourself must be put on pause, with Uranus in your Taurus 4th house. The planet of surprise will fire off events that demand immediate attention. While these events may seem like a distraction, they will require you to learn new, healthy coping strategies. Such strategies will serve you tenfold when it’s time to refocus on your calling — and you will be called, big time, later this year. The universe doesn’t do texting. You’ll hear it. Listen before you report possible spam. 

PS: Remember to read for your sun and rising sign horoscope. Don’t know your rising sign? Visit any gentrified coffee shop and scream, “CAN ANYONE TELL ME MY RISING SIGN?”



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