ART / $5 SUGGESTED DONATION / ALL AGES / As the title not-so-subtly suggests, this will be an art show centered on female sexual pleasure. Particularly, via cunnilingus. Through a combination of personal pieces by the curators as well as artist submissions, clitoral stimulation will be discussed, displayed, and demanded.
Curated by Alison Stevenson and Elizabeth Vazquez, “Eat Me” hopes to bring awareness towards the simple fact that in the realm of casual sex, cunnilingus is not a privilege. It’s a right.
As Vice columnist (and noted clitoral stimulation crusader) Alison Stevenson notes, “The default setting for heterosexual sex ensures men get their fantasies fulfilled, while women are in charge of the fulfilling. This is especially true for casual sex: If a man goes out of his way to make sure his partner comes, he is considered an exceptional lover. For a woman to make sure her partner comes is considered standard.”
“Eat Me” aims to further the change in discourse around female pleasure and will do it with a special blend of sincerity and camp. Both Stevenson and Vazquez aim to dispel another popular misconception concerning feminism and feminist art: that neither have a sense of humor. The exhibits in “Eat Me” will incorporate comedic elements in the form of video installations and other art works put on display. Opening night will also feature a live comedy show featuring: Caitlin Gill, Megan Koester, Alison Stevenson, Clare O'Kane, and Jenny Yang!