Your Fall Horoscope


Remember to read for your sun and rising sign horoscope. Don’t know your rising sign? Visit any gentrified coffee shop and scream, “CAN ANYONE TELL ME MY RISING SIGN?”

Scorpio ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

The November 13 new moon joins the Sun and Mars in your first house, activating powerful inner energies and offering a way to redefine yourself. There may be conflict between your need to serve your relationships, and your need for personal healing. At the same time, this new moon trines Neptune in the 5th house. Neptune represents psychic, mystical energies. Tap into these energies with some good old fashioned esoteric healing. This is a good day for a journey “in.” Venus in Libra in your 12th house supports these efforts. You may receive new insights through meditation, yin yoga, ritual magic, or psychedelics. Or, curl up with your pets and “converse” with them – a good way to practice psychic awareness.

This season, sharing is highlighted. Scorpios are so used to being self-reliant, tending to their inner multiverse, that they can easily self-isolate. Saturn in your 5th house is displaying blockages in the “heart” of your chart, warning you not to safeguard yourself to the point you feel utterly alone. Chiron in your 6th house brings additional risks of physical ailments related to a blocked heart. Carry green jasper or rose quartz, if you’re into that. Remember to look with your heart first, and your vision will be flooded with compassion for all you see.

Sagittarius ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

The November 13th new moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus from your 12th house – the house of ancestors, mental health, and spiritual development. In what ways are you ignoring your mental health for your workaday goals? You may encounter frustration in this area, with constant chatter and interruptions. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, moving through your fifth house may highlight this frustration. You may find that no matter the fun you’re trying to have, the universe is having a cosmic tantrum. Something is coming to a head in the conflict between the way you interact with others and care for yourself. Remember: you don’t have to fix everything. Secure your oxygen mask before helping others.

Venus in the 11th house will temper some of this – don’t be afraid to lean on your immediate community. Find beauty in the way that you relate to society as a whole. Join a pickup game at the park. Clean up any litter on your sidewalk. Plan a community garden project. Bury your frustrations beneath the soil.

Capricorn ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

The new moon in Scorpio travels over your 11th house on November 13. Watch for emotional highs and lows in your friendships. Your friend groups may unexpectedly alter, impacting the way you choose to socialize and have fun. It may not be a negative change. You – and your friends – are maturing, forging your parallel paths. That may lead to a beloved friend moving away or changing their direction in life, a bittersweet closing of a chapter.

With Mercury in your Sagittarius 12th house, Nov. 13 is a good day to go outside and journal. Don’t edit yourself. Honor the vomit draft. Once the new moon passes, revisit your written thoughts and only then try to make sense of them. It’s okay to have all of the questions and none of the answers. Welcome to being human. Helping you along is Venus, parked now in your 10th house in libra. Even if the new moon stimulates feelings of rejection or loss, this feeling is fleeting. After the New Moon passes, you’ll find the glass still solidly half-full. Venus in your house of “public image” guards you, lifts you up. You will find your path illuminated.

Aquarius ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

Venus in libra 9th house. You may feel called to travel, to write poetry, to pick up an instrument, to try out new artistic pursuits. Remember: play is a practice. If you’re just playing, you can’t possibly fuck up. Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

This winter, search out ideas that are different from your own. It’s a good day to understand “the other side” of all situations, that there is an emotional reasoning underlying every stance one can assume, and that emotions are born of reaction to events outside one’s control. You may have easily dismissed opposing points of view in the past, given your fixed sign nature. With the power of Venus and the new moon, you can step into others’ shoes without judging yourself for doing so. We are All One – and that includes your enemies as much as it does your friends. Exercise compassion the same way you lift a weight, run a mile, or hike a mountain – with sweat and undying focus, tabling all distraction, breathing in the sweet air, following one breath to the next.

Pisces ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

Saturn and Neptune in the 1st house greet your natal Sun, drawing your focus out of the individual “self” and toward the collective “self.” The Scorpio new moon on November 13th falls in your 9th house, which will help you connect the dots between them. In what ways can you be a helper? Jupiter and Uranus in your 3rd house are priming you for the job. Your communication skills are highlighted. Drop in on a podcast, write a blog, blow up the group chat. Bring your thoughts to the surface this season, even if it frightens you to be so forward. Your self-expression is tantamount to your survival, and fears in this area only serve to delay your spiritual evolution.

Jupiter also brings blessings in the way of road trips, enlightening conversations, and a strengthened sense of community. It’s a good time to pick up a friend and hit the road, sharing new music and growing your bond, feeling in your heart how the journey really is the destination. Venus in your Libra 8th house offers a strengthening of your psychic abilities. You may feel even more “in tune” or mystical than usual. There’s also the possibility of secret trysts. Be wary of associating your self-worth with sexual attraction. Sex is fun – it doesn’t have to be so “deep.” That’s what she said.

Aries ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

You may feel the November 13th Scorpio new moon in a deeper and more profound way than the rest of the signs, as it lands in your 8th house – the natural “home” of Scorpio. It may be hard to focus your mind on work this day, though it appears your employment, bills, and any other responsibilities linked to earned income may demand more from you than you can give. If you can afford it, call out sick. If you can’t, be sure to care for yourself during your downtime. With Venus in your 7th house, it’s a good day to call up a cutie, share a blanket, and turn on a documentary about sex, psychology, death, or taboo practices -- your mind is open to new knowledge within this area. 

At the end of November, the Sun & Mars travel together into your Sagittarius 9th house, re-invigorating your desire for mental expansion via higher learning, philosophy, or outdoor pursuits. Some of you Rams may renew your interest in religion, rite or ritual, or decide to go back to school.

This fiery activity at the top of your chart is tempered by Saturn & Neptune’s tour of your 7th house. Events affecting your whole generation could uniquely impact your mental health. You may be tempted to shut people out in efforts to safeguard your soul. Saturn + Neptune in Pisces has “submarine” energy. It’s up to you how to look at this. Either you are taking time to explore the hidden unknown, to gather intel to bring back to land, or you are walling yourself off, unsure if you’ll ever surface from the depths. Right now, the second may be more appealing, with Chiron in your first house – the Wounded Healer is activating childhood pain around how you are seen and perceived.

Helpful tip: Light a candle and focus on the flame. As you breathe in and out, imagine your exhales stretching to touch the flame. Imagine the flame growing bigger as your breath reaches it. As you inhale, imagine the light energy reeling into your lungs. Repeat as long as you can stand it.

Taurus ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

You’re closing a chapter in your relationships this month. It’s a favorable time to reassess the way you relate to others. Think back to any relationships that demanded your focus in October, and know you have done all you can in this area. Now, the planetary energy urges you to investigate how you identify with your relationships to the detriment of your personal and spiritual development.

The November 13th Scorpio new moon clears the table for November and December, with self-discovery on the menu. Leave a few seats for new visitors and flirtations, but keep it IRL. The new moon opposes Uranus in your 1st house on this day, making it the right time to unplug. Read tarot cards by candlelight. Take a nature walk. Stretch yourself along a rock like a lizard in the sun.

Jupiter in your 1st house makes you feel freer and more energized than ever. You have a strong will, Taurus, and Jupiter’s presence in Taurus multiplies its strength. Venus in Libra in your 6th house makes you feel optimistic and full of life. Be wary of egotism and perfectionism at this time. As you charge your energies, keep some leftovers for others. It’s a good time to learn about energy healing, and practice on someone who needs it. There is powerful healing energy here, and it’s your duty to access it at its fullest by sharing it with others.

Gemini ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

Venus in Libra dances through your 5th house. Venus is at home in Libra, which Venus rules. Look for blessings related to love, romance, and play. Romantic partners may be in the mood to make you feel more appreciated than ever. 

It’s also a good time for inner-child work. What were you lacking in childhood, that you can now provide yourself? Food, comfort, nourishment, emotional support, ample time to imagine? Picture your childhood self and give that kid a hug. Tell them it’s okay. Visualize their worries dissipating like steam from a cup of tea. Pay attention to what feelings and sensations that awakes in your body. 

On November 28, the full moon in Gemini makes you magnetic. You attract energy left and right, good and bad. The moon squares Neptune in your 10th house, amplifying confusion in your public life, and trines Saturn in the same home – highlighting areas of congestion and blockage that need your attention. Luckily, Gemini views chatter and confusion as pieces of a puzzle to solve. Friends may look to you for guidance in dealing with these energies. 

Cancer ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

This season, Venus in Libra lands in your 4th house. It’s a good period to entertain or to invite serenity into your living space. Your home doesn’t have to be just the place where you kick your shoes off at the end of the day. It can also be your monastery, your private Eden. Play some music, light incense, take out the trash. Place something in every corner of your home that makes you smile. Cancer can be a homebody sign, as the home can represent Cancer’s “shell” of safety and protection. So, take this time to spruce up your shell. Open the windows as you go. Let the wind purify your space.

On November 28th, the full moon in Gemini illuminates your 12th house, forming a trine – an easy or beneficial angle – to Saturn. You may feel ready to tackle new ventures, ones you’ve been avoiding out of fear that you cannot live up to unfamiliar responsibilities. Don’t let avoidance win today – you are uniquely poised to “level up” now. Be wary of giving into guilt for all the things you haven’t done. Guilt begets guilt. It poisons memory and dims the lighted path toward your destiny. Clear the cobwebs of doubt and go get ‘em, tiger.

Leo ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

You are affected by the full and new moons this month. The November 13th new moon in Scorpio, conjunct the Sun and Mars, falls in your fourth house of home, family, and your “mother” or mother figures. It opposes Uranus in your 10th house of public image, highlighting discord between your home responsibilities and your greater ambitions. You may feel you have to sacrifice one for the other. Search for balance now. On November 28th, the full moon in Gemini opposes Mercury in the 5th house. You are craving excitement and connection, but don’t worry if you find yourself all dressed up with nowhere to go. Your social activity will take on a new life in December, and it will be a gift from the stars.

Chiron in the 9th house may highlight feelings of intellectual inadequacy. Remember, you don’t have to be the smartest in every room. You may encounter extreme or dogmatic thinking during this period, which only breeds confusion – don’t make any rash judgments. It’s not a good time to legislate existence, to write down “What Is” and close the book with a snap. Leo is another authoritarian sign like Scorpio, both being of fixed and “male” qualities. There is only grave danger ahead when authoritarians close their minds. Avoid making quick judgments.

Venus in your 3rd house will help the insights pour in, but you must be ready to receive them. Imagine you are an empty well. Imagine the groundwater percolating, slowly filling you from root to crown, traveling the divining rod of the spine. Bubble over with nourishment for yourself and others.

Virgo ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

Venus in Libra graces your 2nd house this season, and it seems to come just in time. You may have been dealing with worries about earned income, employment, or your relationship to consumption. Now, you can welcome Venus’s gifts in this area, which can include financial luck. This luck may come from friends or partners, so keep an eye on your DMs. Don’t silence your phone! The November 13th new moon in Scorpio may bring communications from long-lost friends, or childhood neighbors. Stay open.

This Venus energy brings love, peace, and TLC to this area of your life. You are well-equipped to start a practice of indiscriminate love. You are being reminded that you get the love you give. Harness this energy and use your artistic or analytical talents on a project that excites you, that taps into your self-love, so your love can overflow to those around you.

On the flip side, the new moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Your focus may be split between the near-term and the future, or the micro and the macro. Uranus in Taurus signals world events may redirect your focus, but if there are negative effects, you may receive unexpected flashes of insight that show you how to use your talents to heal the world.

Libra ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・☆・゚゚・゚ :。・・゚

Venus in libra 1st house – you are dripping with charm. You may have experienced difficulties in accepting yourself, or struggled with your self-image – not any longer. Venus, your ruler, in your sign of Libra, gives you the glow of a thousand retinols. Chiron opposes from the 7th house, highlighting any worries or childhood wounds related to your self-image. This is not to halt your progress, but to remind you of how far you’ve come. You can more easily identify what to keep, and what to toss, from your childhood, as it relates to your self-image.

On November 13th, the new moon in Scorpio arrives in your 2nd house, to affect your next 28 days in the areas of employment, income, or consumption. You have been increasingly busy, and now you can take a rest. November 28th’s full moon in Gemini opens another escape hatch from the daily grind. In the days surrounding this full moon, take a tech detox. Social media is great for sharing information, but it isolates us inside our phones. Depart from the doom-scroll and visit an art museum, or check out a big old book from the library. Most importantly, pay attention to your dreams in the days before and after the full moon. They will bring your inner wisdom to the forefront of your mind.



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