Add to Queue: Long Drives and High Fives


“You can add this to your growing list of heartfelt disappointment worn like charms around your wrist”

— THE SOFTIES “Charms Around Your Wrist”

What is the theme of your playlist?

G: Driving on tour - long, listless, looking at the passing scenery with a smile and tears in your eyes 

How did you select these songs?

LEXIE: I chose songs I would put on for my bandmates that I’d think they’d like and some of our favorite songs that we listen to together as a band!! 

G: It’s stuff that I’ve listened to endlessly and haven’t gotten sick of LOL

What’s the most underrated song/band/artist out there right now?

L: So many!! First band that comes to my mind right now is our friends CowboyBoy on Get Better Records, I’m so obsessed with their music!

G: GOON!! Listen to their new album Hour of Green Evening, they can do anything they want!!

What’s one song everyone needs to listen to?

L: “Mesa” by Cayetana 

G: “The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth” by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Which three artists would you invite to a party?

L: Charli XCX for sure, Lil Mariko, and everyone in GWAR. 

G: Fergie, Charli XCX, and Beabadobee

If you could collab with any musician, who would it be?

L: Jeff Rosenstock, my musical hero since I was 15 :’)

G: Ian Sweet or SASAMI - really loving all of the new textures, sounds, and words from their past few releases <3

If you could feature any song in a movie or TV show, which song would it be and what movie/TV show?

L: Our song “Sixteen” in the live action Powerpuff Girls movie 

G: Our new song “Keep In Touch” in PEN15 <=3

You can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. What would it be?

L: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by MCR

G; Doolittle by Pixies

What’s your most recently played song?

L: “To Fall is Not to Fail” by Dear Nora

G: “90 in November” by Why Bonnie

What do you think Rihanna’s going to name her baby?

L: Rihanna Jr. 

G: Sasha

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