WORKSHOP | $10 | ALL AGES | Dad is back and wants to help you learn the necessary lifesaving skills that will prepare you for the end of the world!
Mike Hain is certified by the American Heart Association, a trained Emergency Medical Responder, member of the Los Feliz Emergency Radio Network, head of the Los Feliz Neighborhood Council Public Health and Safety Committee, CERT Level 3, and has been facilitating CPR and First Aid classes for 20 years.
This class will be covering the following materials:
Identify Behaviors in a person experiencing a medical emergency
Recognizing emergency situations and scene safety
Good Samaritan Laws/Obtaining Consent
Recognizing shock
Identify a heart attack
AED (When to deploy / How to use)
Using triangle + roller bandages
Embedded objects
First Aid Kit contents + Earthquake preparation
Treating bleeding injuries
Breathing complications/choking
Back blows + Abdominal thrusts
Rescue breathing + Chest compressions
Sudden emergencies
As a participant, you will be required to bend over and apply pressure to a CPR mannequin. The mannequins are placed on the floor to simulate what happens to someone who is in sudden cardiac arrest. If for any reason, you cannot kneel on the floor please let us know and we will accommodate you.
The following activities are part of the course, all participants will be wearing non-latex gloves and will choose a partner for the following activities:
To simulate an unconscious person everyone will lie on the floor and turn over their partner from lying on their stomachs to a face up position, and then turn them over to the recovery position.
Choose a partner to wrap their arms around the mid-section and simulate abdominal thrusts.
Choose a partner to slightly bend over and lightly pat their partner between the shoulder blades to simulate back blows.
*Some of the images used will be somewhat graphic.
Please be early, as we will start on time. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Certification available upon request for an extra fee of $40.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
COVID-19 vaccinations are mandatory to attend events at Junior High. Proof must be available upon request. You may access your Digital Vaccination Record here.
This event will be indoors. Accessible Pricing options are available.