Inside Vita Kari's Billboard Prenup: A Byte of Love
In preparation of their solo exhibition, Billboard Prenup: A Byte of Love, Vita Kari gave Junior High a behind the scenes look at the installation, and talked becoming a meme, participation in performance art, and their grandmother’s influence on their art.
The Regulation Zone
A series to remind us how to practice mindfulness in our daily lives. Illustrations by Sam Herrera.
Your Shop Enby Horoscope
We all know that our personality traits, and desires can be influenced by the stars, so why not pleasure?! So, as classically queer astrology enthusiasts and sex toy aficionados, we’ve matched the best sex toys to your zodiac sign! Enjoy! Written by Shop Enby.
Class Notes | Sex Education in the U.S.
If you think sex education and the U.S. education system have a complex relationship now, wait until you hear how little has changed from the past! Written and researched by Anna Carlson. Edited by Gisselle Pernett.